A Cranio-Sacral Therapy Session

My sessions are a synthesis of three modalities: bio-dynamic cranio-sacral therapy, foundations of cranial osteopathy and holographic breathing. Each modality has emerged from the same root origins in Osteopathic research via the same founder William Sutherland and so they naturally compliment each other.

During a session I hold the intention to enhance my client’s ability to:

  • attune to their own body signals,

  • understand their own postural patterning,

  • release and self regulate their emotions

  • balance their own nervous system

  • learn how to drop into the whole body awareness of a full body wave - as a space of renewal and recharge.

All sessions are fully clothed.

They last for around an hour but I allow for 15 minutes extra for debriefing etc.

Most sessions are silent but there is often intermittent conversation that ebbs and flows naturally.

What is the fluid body?… 

Rather than a distinct system, the fluid body is the regenerative biodynamic momentum that generate pulses, waves and tides across all systems as a unified polyrhythmic field.

Bodies remember…

The body carries the memory of its origins in amniotic fluid, and finds equilibrium in relaxation, floating and immersion.

Bodies love rhythm…

The fluids in our bodies generate a field of slowing rhythmic orderings and frequencies designed to calm and nourish us and bring us into optimum health.

The body is multidimensional…

By absorbing frequencies from the Moon and the ocean, the body recalibrates to the slower organising, dynamics of our wider environment.

The body feels it all…

It encompasses the emotional Neptunian dreaming self, that has an alchemical ability to transmute experiences into consciousness, supporting our health and our evolution.

The body spirals… 

We spiral as we birth, and all of the organs, bones and muscles in our bodies spiral through subtle extension and flexion movements in a coherent rhythmic sequence of whole body dynamism that maintains health.

The body is oceaniC…

The most highly charged and refined fluid in the body is the cerebro-spinal fluid that bathes our brains and spinal chord and moves in tidal sequences as the regenerative life force.