I have been participating in various online trainings in Holographic Breathing since 2021 with Cranio Sacral Therapist and breathwork teacher Martin Jones in London. I think of Holographic Breathing as a yin breathwork technique as it is very subtle and like cranio-sacral therapy it activates the fluid body and the bones. It not only has the power to bring you quickly into a coherent deeply-relaxing full-body wave state, it also interrupts many of the stress-related clenching jaw patterns that constrict the cranio-facial nerves and create migraines, TMJ etc. It’s very subtle and yet very powerful. I teach it to many of my clients and they use it as a resource for their own self care. It can be helpful for insomnia and anxiety but is also just great for instant body presencing. I see it as very compatible with cranial osteopathy in that it helps reset the flexion/extension patterns in the cranio bones that help to nourish and hydrate the brain through blood and cerebro-spinal fluid around the brain.